
Because THATCamp is an unconference, the agenda will be decided during the first session of the first day.

Our goal for the THATCamp is to provide space and time for wide-ranging discussion relating to digital humanities and social sciences at the undergraduate level in general, and possibly RIT’s new DHSS degree in specific. We have rooms for breakout sessions as well as the use of the auditorium. We will go where our collective mood takes us!

The rough schedule for Friday, May 6th will be:

8:45 – Registration opens, coffee, light breakfast
9:30 – Dr. Angel Nieves, “Spatial Humanities, The Power of Place, and Disembodiments”
10:45 – Morning sessions
12:30 – Lunch
1:30 – Afternoon sessions
3:30 – Dr. Caitlyn Fisher, “Future of Interactive Storytelling and Augmented Reality”
4:45 – Mixer with appetizers and refreshments

Read more about how unconferences in general and THATCamp in particular work at THATCamp 101 and our “About” page.

9 Responses to Schedule

  1. S. says:

    But how do we know when to come? What time to take off of work (if we need to do that), whether we’ll need to arrange childcare (I see kids are welcome and that’s great, but maybe some kids don’t want to come), planning for meals, etc.? I love the idea of a consensually decided upon agenda, but can you at least tell us a start and end time? Maybe that information is TBA, or maybe I’m missing it somewhere?

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    • http://www./ says:

      Don’t say anything until after your exams, then get married if you want to. Surely if you are old enough to have medical degrees, you are old enough to decide who you want to spend your lives with? If your girlfriend’s parents bring up the engagement to the guy they have chosen in the meantime, your girlfriend can just say she wants to focus on preparing for her exams for the time being.

    • http://www./ says:

      Here via Monday Medical Blog Hop, that was beautiful! My own interpretation of the short story is that of being given a second chance to love those things one takes for granted.Dr Erhumu recently posted..

    • LOL Shaun! But you'll have a Youth Support Worker qualification so will be able to gain part-time employment with statutory agencies (if they're still doing any youth work)…

  2. Trent Hergenrader says:


    We’re waiting to finalize the schedule but the general plan is that the opening talk will be at 9:30 followed by morning sessions. We’ll break for lunch at 12:30, then do two afternoon sessions before the closing remarks at 5:00 with the conference wrapping up with some light refreshments. The museum is open until 8:00 pm for people who wish to pay the reduced admission fee.

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